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Rechargeable Aids or 4yr free batteries
Steps To Better Hearing | Hear Clear NI

Steps To Better Hearing

Struggling to Hear? We can help, we offer hearing tests and a no obligation 14 day real world assessment with Hearing aids, no deposit or payment required

Best Private Hearing Tests

Avoid lengthy NHS queues and book a hearing test with Hear Clear. As Belfasts's leading independent hearing practice we have a range of practical solutions to suit your needs. No need for a GP referral, anyone can book one of our quick and easy hearing tests, which offer a reliable and safe way of discovering hearing issues.

Patient & Caring Team

We truly care about our clients and optimising the quality of your hearing is at the heart of everything that we do.


Specially Trained Staff

All of our practitioners are highly trained and specialise in Microsuction Ear Wax Removal, so you can be assured that you are in safe hands.


Quick appointments

We understand that time and travel issues can prevent clients getting the necessary care so we offer domiciliary appointments also at extra charge. We are able to offer appointments during the evenings and Weekends

Why Not Try Hearing Tests and Hearing Aids?

Check our calendar for appointment availability or request callback from the manager to ask for details.

Frequently asked questions

What is a hearing test?

A hearing test is a test carried out to assess if you have a hearing loss, we play tones to assess the quietness sound the patient can hear. We then discuss the hearing loss with the patient. The hearing test allows us to discuss what further treatment may be required or if hearing aids are the best options.

How long does a hearing test take?

A hearing test will take about 60-90 mins depending on the patient. As part of the hearing test, we will carry out the following:

  • Case history (find out more about your hearing issues);

  • Otoscopy (look in ears to make sure they are ok);

  • Audiometry (Hearing test);

  • Counselling ( Discuss hearing test results and options);

  • First Fit ( This is were we will fit a pair of demo aids for patient if they are keen to trial hearing aids);

  • Hearing Aid training ( Patient is shown how hearing aids work, inserting into ears, connect to phone were applicable and how to look after aids).

Do you offer free hearing tests?

No we do not offer free tests as we are an independent business we aim to offer a high quality service to all clients. We charge £40 for a hearing test if you buy hearing aids this comes off your bill.

Do you offer hearing aid trials?

Yes we offer hearing aids trials, we believe that the best way to know if hearing aids will help is to use them. All patients who have a hearing test are offered a 2 week trial for free. We want to make sure that you love the hearing before toy pay for hearing aids as we understand what your getting before you buy, this is how we differ from many of our competitors.

What happens if my hearing aids stop working?

We offer a 2-4 year warranty on all aids, this covers servicing replacement receivers and most common issues that may arise over time and use of the aids. If we have to send aids away we will offer a replacement aid to ensure you still can hear just as well.

Do you offer finance?

We are currently working on offering this service, we can discuss this if required.

What happens after buying hearing aids?

As part of the price you will have a 6 month then yearly hearing test, we do this to ensure your hearing aids are providing you with the best quality of sound. If adjustments need to be made we will do this as part of the test and explain why.

If you have any other questions or want to know more about microsuction, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Get in touch
Created by vududigital.co.uk