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Types Of Hearing Aids | Hear Clear NI

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Hearing Aids for Every Degree of Hearing Loss

Hearing aids in Belfast come in a wide variety of options to serve distinct personal needs and varying levels of hearing loss. However, all hearing aids share one core purpose: to collect sound via small microphones which then transmit those sounds to your ears via sound waves. Some hearing aids are more visible than others, however, size can impact the power of sound that you experience. For those who suffer with more severe hearing loss, larger, more visible hearing aids may be more favourable. For those with mild hearing loss, smaller, less visible options are available.


Types of Hearing Aids Available in Northern Ireland

  • Completely in the canal (CIC): Moulded to fit in the canal. Compact, barely visible, and uses small batteries. Simple design with minimal extra features unlike other hearing aid options. A good fit for those who experience mild hearing loss.

  • In the canal (ITC): Moulded to fit partially in the canal. More visible than a CIC hearing aid but still mostly hidden. Offers more features than a CIC hearing aid. A solid option for those with mild hearing loss.

  • In the ear (ITE): Available in two options – full shell or half shell. Full shell provides full ear canal coverage while half shell only covers the lower half of the canal. A good fit for those who experience more severe hearing loss. The larger size makes it easier to handle and offers features such as volume control and rechargeable battery options. More visible than the previous two options.

  • Behind the ear (BTE): Rests behind the ear and involves a tube that connects to an ear mould. A traditional option for all ages and hearing loss levels. These hearing aids in Northern Ireland are available in both visible and barely visible options. This type of device is capable of amplifying sound to a greater extent, has directional microphones and may be available in rechargeable battery options.

  • Receiver in canal or ear (RIC): Similar in design to behind the ear except there is a small wire in place of the tube. Offers many of the same features as behind the ear but also includes manual control options.

  • Open fit: Highly visible and does not plug the ear canal. A good style for those that struggle with high-frequency hearing but do not struggle with low-frequency hearing. The style is a mix between behind the ear and receiver in the canal.

  • Invisible in the canal (IIC): Invisible to the plain eye, these hearing aids fit deep in your ear canal. Removal varies; some require that a professional removes it for you while others can be removed by the user themselves. If you choose this type of hearing aid in Belfast, it’s possible that it may offer less features as a result of the compact size.

Choosing A Hearing Aid Fit That’s Right for You

With so many options, the decision-making process can sometimes feel overwhelming. Our team of experienced specialists can help guide you through the process so you can better understand your hearing needs. We are here so that you don’t have to embark on your healing journey alone. Experiencing hearing loss can be scary, but we strive to provide you with a comfortable, worry-free experience.

Get in touch with our team today

Get in touch with our team today to discuss hearing aid options or to schedule a hearing aid fitting in Belfast, Northern Ireland. We can be reached on 03301333291 or through our online form.

Frequently asked questions

What is a hearing test?
A hearing test can diagnose a range of conditions related to conductive or sensorineural hearing loss. This may range from the simple accumulation of ear wax to a perforated eardrum.
How long does a hearing test take?
A hearing test can diagnose a range of conditions related to conductive or sensorineural hearing loss. This may range from the simple accumulation of ear wax to a perforated eardrum.
Do I need a hearing test?
A hearing test can diagnose a range of conditions related to conductive or sensorineural hearing loss. This may range from the simple accumulation of ear wax to a perforated eardrum.
Is a hearing test safe?
A hearing test can diagnose a range of conditions related to conductive or sensorineural hearing loss. This may range from the simple accumulation of ear wax to a perforated eardrum.
What can a hearing test diagnose?
A hearing test can diagnose a range of conditions related to conductive or sensorineural hearing loss. This may range from the simple accumulation of ear wax to a perforated eardrum.

If you have any other questions or want to know more about microsuction, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

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